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currency / Participation / representation  

New Decentralized Currency:  DECREP tokens - Cryptocurrency

In Progress:  Set for pre-release Jan 30th

Decentralized Blockchain Voting Participation Protocol

In Progress:  Vote: Rights / Issues - (Authenticated / Verified Americans)

A Country Represented by the People & ONLY the People

Declaration of Secession & independence 


When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve The political attachments which have bound them to one another, The rights of a free people unto themselves shall declare the grievances and causes which impel them to the separation.


The truths of this Earth are self-evident, all people are created equal under the umbrella of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The rights by which governments are put in place among the people deriving their powers from the consent and only consent of the governed.  That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it entirely. 


The safety and the right to make a living in the pursuit of happiness has been disrupted and the obstacles to which are now clearly apparent.  The long train of abuses sustained in a concerted effort under absolute despotism - it becomes the right of our people to disband and throw off such government.  Such has been the patient's sufferance of our people and is now the necessity, forcing them to alter former systems of government.


The injuries sustained having a direct negative impact upon the people of these 50 states by the government of these United States, shall no longer be tolerated by its people.


The list of grievances are as follows:


The evidence is clear, he has sold the office of these United States to foreign powers, which dictate control, authority and the fate of which our people depend upon.


The evidence is clear He has corrupted our Supreme Court which no longer represents the will of our people.


He has sought to persecute our generals for standing steadfast in the face of tyranny and acts so egregious, they have become intolerable.


He has pushed wars across the world not in accordance with the will of our people, international law, but for the benefit and profit for high-ranking officials of a military industrial complex now in partnership with China. 


He has shut our businesses for viral infections with a 0.4% morbidity rate, restricted travel, forced vaccinations and destroyed the lives of our people.


He has imposed taxes without our consent.


He has opened our borders to illegal immigration currently taking jobs away from our already poor and destitute Americans.


Our people are encouraged to kneel during our national anthems, show disrespect to our flag and the sacrifice of our people.  


He has funded ISIS AKA, the Islamic State through MOSSAD, with billions to overthrow foreign governments serving the interest of our military industrial complex.  The result has killed millions of innocent people and has sown distrust and hatred for our people.


He has run our classified intelligence through home based servers and deleted the information upon Congressional subpoena.


He has encouraged the censorship of half our people across social media platforms and imposed penalties and punishments akin to despotic authoritarian dictatorships.


He has given terrorist backed foreign governments billions of dollars.


He has locked up whistle blowers on despotic egregious governmental claims with actions pursuant to harm the people of our country.


He has allowed illegal compromised voting apparatus to dictate the outcome of our elections.


He has allowed lobbying/bribery to run rampant through Congress and pay for play schemes which aim to sell the power of America to foreign governments.


He has committed to the weakening of the middle class utilizing bio weapons, lockdowns, 5G technology, artificial intelligence, intelligence gathering through privacy data acquired from our people without consent.


He has suspended the worship of our cherished religious institutions as well as our beloved holidays.


He has authorized without consent spending of our currency beyond acceptable means


He has allowed monopolies free reign over our economy without enforcing antitrust + enabling mergers and acquisitions to consolidate power and wealth in far excess of what free and fair market capitalism and the values herein deem acceptable.


He has extorted foreign governments using war, bribery, false flags at the expense of innocent people.


He has used the Patriot Act to expand the surveillance state which has compromised the citizens of our nation, the privacy they hold dear, and the egregious acts continue to compromise the safety of our people.


He has violated the right to bear arms explicitly stated in our previous Bill of Rights by slow walking gun approvals, restrictive right to carry laws, suppressive oppressive restrictions in public places.


He has allowed domestic terrorists to run rampant through our cities, burn them, shutter our companies and businesses and is now making Supreme Court rulings based upon intimidation and fear.


He has sent our manufacturing overseas disabling the ability for our blue-collar workers to make a living in the pursuit of happiness.


He has locked up millions of our people for smoking a plant which commonly grows from the soil of our Earth in the name of fines and oppression of our people.






In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms. Our repeated petitions fall silent and unanswered.  These acts clearly define a tyrant that is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.


We have warned time and time again to our oppressive government and legislature extending laws and unwarrantable jurisdiction over us and they have but cast us aside in favor of their own self-interest.


We the people no longer receive justice and the right to compete in a capitalist free economy pursuant to the natural law of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


We the people therefore as representatives of our new Decentralized Republic in general Congress have assembled appealing to the Supreme order of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do in the name and by authority of the good people of the New Decentralized Republic solemnly publish and declare that these United people and states, independent / sovereign, with full autonomy going forward.  We the people are no longer sought to pledge allegiance to the United States of America nor the taxes imposed, and that all political connection between our people and the state of these United States is to be totally dissolved.


Thus forward, we the people declare independence upon which the states we live and they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, established commerce under the rights and determination of free people.


And for the support of this declaration with firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor in the name of freedom and the pursuit of happiness.



Sons & Daughters of Liberty

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  • Sign the Declaration - coming soon


  • Post a famous quote from our forefathers - coming soon


  • Post a right and vote on rights - coming soon


  • Petition and vote on petitions - coming soon


  • Follow us on Parler @dentralizedrepublic - share advice, offer classes on HAM radios, survival tactics, self-sustained farming (permaculture) etc... .  


  • Donate

    •      DECREP cryptocurrency development by (Original Thread, LLC - Parent company overseeing the development of blockchain clothing to allow free people to build their own clothing / brands)  We are putting design power in the hands of our people. 

    • Vote by blockchain authentication / verification in development.




If you can't give, don't worry protect yourself, we will watch over each other.  


Spread this message to all Americans - We don't need representation.  We ARE the representation.


To those reading this, you are the protectors of our land and the very free spirit our forefathers sought after.  Now is the time to get involved.




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